Saturday, June 13, 2009

Book One, Chapter Four: Into the Waterfalls Part 1

Sorry for not writing as much! It has been a busy school week! Lets go onto Chapter Four! -Warrior2366 :)
Taecwondo and Dojo were playing Card Jitsu on the ninja mats at the Ninja Hideout. Lady Minstrel was playing the harp as the non members were putting up hearts for her.
What was I doing? I was just walking around outside, near the waterfalls.
I smiled at everyone having fun.
Suddenly, I heard a yell. Maybe it was a man. Was it Master Minstrel? I thought. I'd better tell Lady Minstrel!
I was in the Hideout in seconds, telling Lady Minstrel about the yells. Her eyes were bigger than eyes at the moment! Dojo was jumping off the mat laughing, with Taecwondo angry! "Thats my puffle!" I declared.
Lady Minstrel giggles.
Us four (the puffles were sleeping in temporary ninja beds) set out for the Waterfalls. At the time, it was infested with plants because of the Adventure Party. That was a problem!
Once we entered, a giant snowball eating plant mistook Dojo for snow (aww, isnt that cute?) and ate him up before our eyes!
"What are we gonna do?!" I cried on my knees that I dont have.
TO BE CONTINUED. -Warrior2366


  1. Hey Warrior, it's me Ice. I've read all 4 chapters so far and it's getting better by the minute. Keep up the good work!

  2. Doooooooood. Are you alive??

    ~Artic says ello ello!
